Monday, March 12, 2007

mom and hasselhoff

Hi everyone,

My mom went back into the hospital this weekend, but has since been released. thank you for your prayers and thoughts. her re-admittance has hit me hard and it was a very tough weekend.

it would be great if you could continue to pray for healing for her. If you are one of my wonderful and cherished friends who don't consider yourself praying people, your thoughts and good wishes are just as meaningful to me. thank you.

On a lighter note, this here is stellar:

Jump In My Car


Kara said...

WOW! That video made my day!!!!!
You are awesome. You are loved.

Stephen said...

Oh David... where would pop culture be without David Hasselhoff?

Anonymous said...

*sends good thoughts winging their way speedily towards bre's mom*

Anonymous said...

that was beyond stellar....and it just kept getting better and better. thanks for sharing.
And praying for you and your mom.