Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Is Profit the Cure?

Yep. There's still a fight going on to keep Canada's health care accesssible to all. If this issue really "moves your heart" (Christian-speak) you might want to check out this website; there is an online petition to sign. Council of Canadians is a very reputable organization (I'm a member . . . so that's cool!) Sign if you feel moved to do so!

My apologies for the quick and unpersonal posts. It's September! Which means that I pretty much live at the university and don't have nearly enough time to ponder life!

That makes me very, very sad. :-(


Chris H said...

Oh Bre... Your language is so pejorative. A two-tier system is still accessible to all.

At least, that's where I think we ought to go. And not for any heartless reasons, either. I also don't stand to make any more money despite my position, and would likely not be one of those people with private insurance and therefore access.

Also, I hear you about the busyness of September.

bre said...

Dear Chris,

I appreciate your comment, as well as your keen sense of style.

I understand the theory of the two-tier system, and that it seems to be relatively accessible to all. But there are many reports, and many people most important, who are shafted by such systems in other places.

My commitment to universal health care for all stems from my values of human life, dignity, and equality. If one person with money gets priority, or special access, over someone who does not have money, i find something intrinsically wrong with that system. The rich are benefitted quite more than the poor. And that's why I have a moral aversion to such a system.

Thanks for the comment, friend!

Chris H said...

I have a keen sense of style? Is that sarcasm? I can never tell...

I think I like the way Australia's done their two-tier system. But I totally hear you about the necessity of having quality healthcare for everyone, regardless of wealth.

The one question I keep coming back to in this issue is this: given the wait times for important things like MRIs, and the already stretched budget for healthcare, at what point do we extend private medical care for those who wish to pay for it in favour of giving timely care for those who cannot?

Telling everyone they can't get that MRI and must live in pain seems to me to be a little singleminded.

Still, this is one of those issues that is hugely important for everyone. I'm glad no one's depending on me to find the perfect solution.