Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Return of the Tent Bed

Alas, friends. I was trying to be brave and stick out spider season without covering myself in a plastic paradise, but there was a huge spider who made a home RIGHT OUTSIDE OF MY BEDROOM, my cowardice surfaced, and it was done. The tent bed was back. For those of you who are new, the tent bed is the most up-to-date technology in the war against spiders crawling on you when you are asleep.

Weird, but necessary, and it makes me sleep better.

Back in November (I am so freaking late on this one) a group that I am involved in - SCM - had an event on Buy Nothing Day. Buy Nothing Day occurs on or around November 25th each year, and is a day to protest against materialism and corporate control of our culture by refusing to purchase anything on that day and by having events or protests to inform people of the cause.

I was not involved in this event, but heard it was fun. The best story involved a brocolli cell phone, but alas there is no picture and I don't think I would do the story justice by telling it, as I was not actually there.

But enjoy these pictures!

Also, read this:

"It is a perverse human attitude to imagine that birds sing when they are happy. Humans do not - humans sing most beautifully in pain and longing . . . people very rarely sing for joy." -John Steinbeck



Monday, March 19, 2007

scary stories

I found this great picture of a wolf and wanted to share it with you:

His jaws are especially frightening.

How the heck is everybody out there? I am freaking tired. Did anybody watch the new Battlestar Gallactica last night? I was too busy crawling through a field of snow getting chased by dogs and trying to rescue my best friend from a certain train-related and deep-snow related death. If any of you got to see B.G, PLEASE DON'T TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED.

Back to business.

Sillyness. Silly day. Some crazy church ladies decided that I was princess-worthy and put me in a yellow dress, a tiara, and a lot of sexy makeup. Thanks to Bonnie, Steph, and Jess who decided to give me my extreme makeover. Today I mustered up the courage to put some eyeliner on (both above AND below my eyes . . . crazy!). I think they have convinced me of the value of eyeshadow. Perhaps a trip to the Bay or the Body Shop or some other store which terrifies me may be in order . . . I'll keep you posted.

For all of those Union-types, here's a great article, although a bit outdated:

Video-Game Characters Denounce Randomly Placed Swinging Blades

lates, sk8ers,

Monday, March 12, 2007

mom and hasselhoff

Hi everyone,

My mom went back into the hospital this weekend, but has since been released. thank you for your prayers and thoughts. her re-admittance has hit me hard and it was a very tough weekend.

it would be great if you could continue to pray for healing for her. If you are one of my wonderful and cherished friends who don't consider yourself praying people, your thoughts and good wishes are just as meaningful to me. thank you.

On a lighter note, this here is stellar:

Jump In My Car

Friday, March 09, 2007

Hey all,

Just letting you know there is a War Resistance Festival this weekend. I will be emcee-ing the event tonight. You are more than welcome. Theology on Tap sounds good, as well.

War Resistance Festival

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Monday, March 05, 2007

Hey, all. Some of you may know that my mom is in the hospital. I have created a blog outlining what's going on with her, and am inviting anyone who knows her to send her wishes. The blog can be accessed by clicking here.

Also, on an unrelated note, check out this article:

Rich Countries 'Blocking Cheap Drugs for Developing World'